
Express Services 24h

Services available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year

All services provided by FRENTANA TIR s.r.l. can be requested 24h a day, 7 days a week, thanks to an operator always at your disposal, at any time of the day, night and holidays included.

Low-bed semi trailer

Road Tractor

Cargo van

Tractor with low-bed semi trailer

Suitable for transporting goods with a maximum height of 360 cm, transporting vehicles, agricultural and road tractors, earth-moving machines, fork-lift trucks, trucks, etc. The posters are equipped with winches for loading / unloading non-marking means.

Road tractor

Semi-trailers traction service for other transport companies, with H24 service.


Suitable for emergencies with H24 service. Capacity 4 EPAL, 1.5 Tonn.

Want to book our services?

You can reach us by phone or with the online form. Our team is available 24 hours a day to meet your every need.